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ComTouch controller

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The display is blank.  Rate it

There is a fuse on the rear panel of the ComTouch. There are two fuse holders. The top fuse is the working fuse. The bottom fuse is a spare. Replace the top fuse.

I get different results between my ComTouch and DMC.  Rate it

Be sure to eliminate as many variables as possible. Clamps, test speed and calibration can affect test results. The ComTouch has a higher force-sampling rate than the DMC. This may produce higher peak results.

Can I use a PSB series load cell with the ComTouch?  Rate it

The PSB series load cells can be used with the DMC only. It must be converted to a TSB load cell. Please contact Com-Ten Industries for more information.

Will my software control the ComTouch?  Rate it

The ComTouch requires a specific list of serial commands. Please contact Com-Ten Industries for this list of commands.

The extensometer will not zero.  Rate it

When you start a test the ComTouch display stalls at zero. This means the output of the extensometer is to great to zero. First make sure that the extensometer was attached to the specimen with the zero-pin installed. A non-zero displacement of the extensometer may cause this problem. If the extensometer does not zero try this. Leave the zero-pin in the extensometer and do not attach the extensometer to the specimen. Do not attach the specimen to the clamps. Apply power on the ComTouch. After the display arrives at the main control panel. Disconnect the cable from the extensometer to the amplifier module. Start a test. If the test starts normally, there is a problem with the extensometer. Please return the extensometer and amplifier module to Com-Ten Industries for repair.

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